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Focus is your mental clarity ally, a blend that harmonizes refreshing and stimulating aromas to sharpen focus and enhance mental agility.

Blend Ingredients: Peppermint, Spearmint, Lemon, Geranium, Basil, Rosemary, Vetiver.


  • Ideal for maintaining focus and concentration.
  • Supports mental clarity when used topically.
  • Aids in creating a focused atmosphere.


Each of these Sorce Essential Oils, infused with sound therapy at the healing frequencies of 396 Hz, 432 Hz, & 528 Hz, offers not just the pure essence of nature but also a harmonized and elevated experience for mind, body, and spirit. Their unique properties, enhanced by these frequencies, make them among the finest and most potent essential oils available.


Notice: Essential Oils have not been approved by the FDA to treat dis-ease. The EU recognizes Essential Oils can function as contact, fumigant, repellent, antifeedant, and oviposition inhibition toxicants. Furthermore, other global economies and governments widely use Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils as anti-parasitic, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-viral.


SORCE Essential Oils are sourced Organically and Ethically Worldwide.

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