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MyND Premium 

Empower Your Wellness Journey with Our Premium Natural Health Plan - Invest in Your Health Today!
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For Those that need
Chronic relief

Why Upgrade to Premium

"Transform your health and wellness with our premium health plan for just $199/month. Get personalized plans from a naturopathic doctor and additional minutes of PEMF therapy, student massages, Bionics therapy, and more. Also enjoy a chair massage, stem cell repair, and Evox Perception Reframing therapy. Invest in your health today!"

Attention all those suffering from chronic or severe illnesses! Our Premium Natural Doctor Membership is designed specifically for individuals like you who are seeking a more comprehensive and effective approach to health and wellness. Our board-certified Natural Doctors are trained to address a wide range of health conditions, from arthritis and diabetes to cancer and autoimmune diseases, through a combination of traditional medicine and innovative techniques like nutritional kinesiology.


With personalized care and treatment plans, you can finally find relief from your symptoms and improve your quality of life. Join our Premium Natural Doctor Membership today and take the first step towards a healthier tomorrow.


Ready to Book?

Monthly payment does not include additional recommended supplements.

Your monthly membership fee for visits with your Natural Health Specialist does not include the cost of recommended herbal remedies, homeopathic remedies, and dietary supplements. These additional items will be offered at a separate cost during your visits.

Start Your Journey!

Join our natural health membership today and experience the difference personalized, comprehensive care can make. Call to book your intro session, today!

Our Equipment & Product Lines

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